The US spent hundreds of millions of USD to buy a type of Vietnamese nut; the average price was up to 5,566 USD/ton.

According to statistics from the General Department of Customs, in the first 7 months of 2024, the whole country exported 421,560 tons of cashew nuts of all kinds, equivalent to 2.37 billion USD; the average price was 5,611.3 USD/ton, up 25.9% in volume, up 21.6% in turnover, but down 3.3% in price compared to the first 7 months of 2023.

In July 2024 alone, 66,872 tons of cashew nuts of all kinds were exported, reaching 412.44 million USD; the price was 6,168 USD/ton, up 6.8% in volume, up 9.6% in turnover, and up 2.7% in price compared to June 2024. Compared to July 2023, it also increased in volume, turnover, and price, with corresponding increases of 22%, 10.8%, and 35%. Vietnam’s cashew nuts are exported the most to the US market, accounting for over 27% of the total volume and total export turnover of cashew nuts in the country, reaching 114,047 tons, equivalent to 634.77 million USD, with an average price of 5,566 USD/ton, up 28.3% in volume, up 24% in turnover, but down 3.4% in price compared to the same period in 2023. In July 2024 alone, exports to this market increased by 22.8% in volume, up 29% in turnover, and up 5.2% in price compared to June 2024, reaching 20,921 tons, equivalent to 129.38 million USD, with an average price of 6,184.4 USD/ton.

Next, the Chinese market reached 74,585 tons, equivalent to 414.12 million USD; the average price was 5,552 USD/ton, a sharp increase of 58% in volume and 38% in turnover but a decrease of 12.8% in price, accounting for nearly 18% of the total volume and total export turnover of cashew nuts in the whole country.

Exports to the Dutch market reached 37,899 tons, equivalent to 217.28 million USD; the average price was 5,733 USD/ton, an increase of 15.7% in volume and 12.8% in turnover, but the price decreased by 2.5%, accounting for over 9% of the total volume and total turnover.

Exports to the German market reached 14,196 tons, equivalent to 77.88 million USD, with an average price of 5,486 USD/ton, up 30.8% in volume and up 26.8% in turnover, but prices decreased by 3%, accounting for over 3% of the total volume and total turnover. In general, cashew nut exports in the first 7 months of 2024 to most markets increased compared to the same period in 2023.

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