6 Delicious Shrimp Dishes: Unique Flavors That Will Make You Crave More

Pangasius Shrimp HungHau export Vietnam

Table of Contents

  1. Tamarind Shrimp
  1. Garlic Butter Shrimp
  1. Coconut Water Steamed Shrimp
  1. Crispy Fried Shrimp
  1. Salted Egg Yolk Shrimp
  1. Stir-fried Shrimp with Vegetables

Below are the recipes for 6 incredibly delicious shrimp dishes that are beloved by many, compiled by Hung Hau Agricultural. Save them now to add more recipes to your family meals!

1. Tamarind Shrimp


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 50ml tamarind juice
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • A little chopped chili (to taste)


  • The first step to making flavorful tamarind shrimp is choosing fresh shrimp. Trim the antennae and legs, then wash and drain them.
  • Next, sauté the chopped garlic in hot oil until fragrant. When the garlic turns golden and aromatic, add the shrimp and stir-fry over medium heat until the shrimp is firm and turns pink.
  • The tamarind sauce will determine the deliciousness of the dish. Mix tamarind juice with sugar, fish sauce, and a little chopped chili, then pour it into the shrimp pan. Stir well and simmer until the sauce thickens and coats the shrimp.

This tamarind shrimp dish will bring you an unforgettable taste, with the harmonious sweet and sour flavor of tamarind and the natural sweetness of the shrimp.

2. Garlic Butter Shrimp


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 50g butter
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • A pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce


  • Choose fresh shrimp: Wash and drain them. Leave the shells on to keep the shrimp sweet and tender during cooking.
  • Melt the butter in a hot pan, then add the chopped garlic and sauté until fragrant. The aroma of garlic combined with melting butter is irresistible.
  • Add the shrimp to the pan and stir-fry quickly over high heat to cook the shrimp evenly without making it tough. Season with a little salt, pepper, and fish sauce for added flavor.

This garlic butter shrimp dish is not only simple but also lights up your meal with the perfect combination of sweet shrimp, fragrant butter, and crispy garlic.

3. Coconut Water Steamed Shrimp


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 1 fresh coconut (for the water)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Fresh herbs (optional)


  • Prepare fresh shrimp, wash and drain them. To preserve the natural flavor, leave the shells on.
  • Place the shrimp in a pot, pour in the sweet fresh coconut water, and add a little salt for seasoning.
  • Steam the shrimp over medium heat until they turn a beautiful pinkish-orange. The steam from the coconut water will infuse into the shrimp, keeping them tender and aromatic. Serve with salt, pepper, and lime juice for a refreshing and flavorful experience.

4. Crispy Fried Shrimp


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 1 egg
  • 100g crispy flour
  • 50g breadcrumbs
  • Cooking oil for frying


  • Clean the shrimp and drain them. You can leave the shells on or peel them, depending on your taste, but keep the tails intact for easier eating.
  • Coat the shrimp in crispy flour, then dip them in the beaten egg, and finally roll them in the crunchy breadcrumbs.
  • Deep fry the shrimp in hot oil until the exterior is golden and crispy. Make sure the oil is hot before adding the shrimp to avoid oil absorption and maintain a crispy texture.

This crispy fried shrimp is irresistible when served with mayonnaise or chili sauce, thanks to the crunchy exterior and the natural sweetness of the shrimp.

5. Salted Egg Yolk Shrimp


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 2 salted egg yolks
  • 1 egg
  • 50g crispy flour
  • 50g butter
  • A pinch of salt and pepper


  • Prepare fresh shrimp, clean, and drain them. Beat the egg, then dip the shrimp in crispy flour and egg.
  • Fry the shrimp: Heat the oil in a pan and deep-fry the shrimp until golden and crispy. Remove and drain the excess oil.
  • Make the salted egg yolk sauce: Steam the salted egg yolks until cooked, then mash them finely. Melt butter in a pan, add the mashed salted egg yolks, and stir until the mixture bubbles and becomes fragrant.
  • Combine the shrimp with the salted egg yolk: Add the crispy fried shrimp to the salted egg yolk sauce, stirring until the sauce evenly coats the shrimp.

Salted egg yolk shrimp is the perfect combination of crispy shrimp and the rich, savory flavor of salted egg yolk, making it a dish you’ll want to enjoy repeatedly.

6. Stir-fried Shrimp with Vegetables


  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 100g peas
  • 1 carrot
  • 50g broccoli
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • 1 tablespoon seasoning powder
  • A pinch of salt and pepper


  • Clean the shrimp and prepare the vegetables: peas, carrot, and broccoli. Cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces to keep them crisp and colorful when stir-fried.
  • Sauté the shrimp quickly in hot oil over high heat until the shrimp is firm, then set aside.
  • Stir-fry the vegetables: Start with the carrot as it is firmer, then add the peas and broccoli. When the vegetables are just cooked but still crisp, return the shrimp to the pan, and season with seasoning powder, salt, and pepper to taste.

The combination of sweet shrimp, crisp vegetables, and vibrant colors will make your meal both varied and nutritious.

These are the most beloved shrimp dishes that Hung Hau Agricultural has compiled and shared with you. We hope you and your family will enjoy delicious and nutritious meals with these fantastic shrimp recipes. If you don’t have time to prepare these delicious shrimp dishes yourself, consider buying pre-cooked shrimp products from Hung Hau Agricultural. Our shrimp is pre-prepared, ensuring the quality is as good as fresh shrimp, with no need for additional preparation—perfect for quick and nutritious meals. We also offer long-term warranties and a return policy if the quality does not meet your expectations.

Explore frozen shrimp products here:  https://himex.vn/vi/product/san-pham-tu-tom/

Read more : https://himex.vn/en/vannamei-shrimp-an-excellent-source-of-protein-for-health/

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