On 31st December 2016 held the Annual Shareholder Meeting of the financial year from 1st October 2016 to 30th September 2017 at Nikko Saigon Hotel, District 1. The meeting reported the activities of the Board of Directors in 2016 and oriented the plan for 2017; through important issues such as profit distribution and fund set in 2016; plans to issue shares to increase the corporation’s charter capital; selecting auditors for the 2017 financial statements; Bonus remuneration for the Board of Directors, Secretary, Supervisory Board in 2017; dismissing and electing 01 board member term 2015-2020; allowing Hung Hau Development Corporation to buy and receive transfer shares, which changed ownership rate of over 25% of the charter capital of HungHau Agricultural without having to implement a public bid procedures and some advice subjecting to the authority of shareholders’ general meeting.

The Meeting has raised the characteristics of our country’s economy in 9 months in 2016, which took place in the context of slow economic growth. The world economic situation has had a direct and indirect impact on production and business operation of HungHau Agricultural. Facing the complicated world economic context, the Board of Directors and the Board of Management of the company have operated actively and flexibly with reasonable solutions and effective steps, fast processing the problems in business, taking advantage of market opportunities, and together with the whole staffs striving to maintain the growth objectives of the Shareholders Council. The Meeting also raised the results of production and business activities in 2016, listing the basic spending, the production and business activities, financial and accounting work, basic construction work, personnel work, labor, training, emulation and commendation, and environmental security.
After the voting time, the Meeting agreed to appoint Mr. Vo Minh Khang to be the board member of HungHau Agricultural term 2015-2020, replacing Mr. Tran Duc Dung.

The Annual Shareholder Meeting of HungHau Agricultural has given the orientations and tasks for 2017, showing promising perspectives for the sustainable development of the Board of Directors and top managers, and determining to complete the proposed plan to create new stages for the development of the company.