Điểm tên 10 thị trường xuất khẩu hạt điều lớn nhất của Việt Nam

Name the 10 largest cashew export markets in Vietnam.

In the first nine months of 2023, Vietnam’s cashew exports reached 452.6 thousand tons, of which China, the United States, and the Netherlands are three of Vietnam’s 10 largest cashew buyers.

The Import-Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade) cited statistics from the General Department of Customs as saying that in September 2023, Vietnam’s cashew exports reached approximately 56.8 thousand tons, worth over 310 million USD, down 6.3% in volume and down 7.1% in value compared to August 2023, up 47.6% in volume and 31.8% in value compared to September 2022.

In the first nine months of 2023, Vietnam’s cashew exports reached 452.6 thousand tons, of which China, the United States, and the Netherlands are three of Vietnam’s 10 largest cashew buyers.
In August 2023, cashew exports reached a new record high. In May 2023, cashew exports recorded double-digit growth.
The Import-Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade) cited statistics from the General Department of Customs as saying that in September 2023, Vietnam’s cashew exports reached approximately 56.8 thousand tons, worth over 310 million USD, down 6.3% in volume and down 7.1% in value compared to August 2023, up 47.6% in volume and 31.8% in value compared to September 2022.

Market 09/2023 09/2022 (%) Nine months in 2023 Compared to the same period last year
Quantity (Ton) Value (1,000USD) Quantity Percent Quantity (ton) Value (1,000USD) Quantity Percent
Total 56.794 310.057 47.7 31.8 452.590 2.589.767 18,8 13,5
America 12.065 64.464 26,9 8.1 115.761 656.209 7,3 4,2
China 12.689 73.239 108,6 107,6 70.479 433.777 38,7 42,3
Holland 5.247 29.255 41,7 22,4 44.099 256.568 6,0 14,5
Germany 1.930 10.540 42,2 32,2 15,672 87,984 14,7 4,2
England 1.372 6.770 21,0 11,3 13.805 70.954 15,1 4,0
Australia 1.839 9.654 6,7 -4,1 12.856 69.709 7,6 -2,6
United Arab Emirates 1.693 8.910 190,4 186,4 11.590 65.016 71,7 57,1
Canada 1.096 6.227 22,6 8,9 10.381 62.224 11,4 12,8
Saudi Arabic 981 4.939 67,1 36,6 9.648 55.256 59,1 39,8
Thailand 872 3.983 43,4 14,5 7.344 39.439 26,1 10,8
Others 17.010 92.076 38,5 20,6 140.955 792.632 22,5 9,0

(Vietnam’s 10 largest cashew export markets in September and 9 months of 2023 (source: calculated from data from the General Department of Customs))

cashew nut export
Name the 10 largest cashew export markets in Vietnam.
In the first nine months of 2023, Vietnam’s cashew exports reached 452.6 thousand tons, worth 2.59 billion USD, up 18.8% in volume and 13.5% in value over the same period. last year.

In September 2023, Vietnam’s average cashew export price reached 5,459 USD/ton, down 0.9% compared to August 2023 and down 10.7% compared to September 2022. In the first nine months of 2023, Vietnam’s average cashew export price reached 5,722 USD/ton, down 4.5% compared to the same period in 2022.

Vietnam’s 10 largest markets for cashew nuts include China, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, England, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand. Traditional and potential markets both increased sharply compared to September 2022.

Notably, in September, China spent twice as much money as the same month last year to massively buy Vietnamese cashew nuts. This market has become a major customer of Vietnamese cashew nuts in the past month.

Specifically, China surpassed the United States to become the largest customer of Vietnamese cashew nuts. Export value to China in September reached 73.2 million USD, up 107.6% compared to September last year.

In addition, cashew exports to the United Arab Emirates also recorded a sudden growth of 186.4%.

By the end of September 2023, except for Australia, our country’s cashew exports to all markets will be growing strongly. For example, exports to the United Arab Emirates increased the most by 57.1% over the same period last year; however, export turnover was quite modest, only reaching 65 million USD.

The Chinese market recorded a growth rate of 42.3%, but our country’s cashew export turnover to this market amounted to 433.8 million USD, ranking only behind the US market.

According to cyclical factors, Vietnam’s cashew export activities will be vibrant in the last months of the year. Demand for cashew nuts for the holidays will increase sharply. Cashew nut exports to the Chinese market recorded high growth rates, which will contribute to the overall export growth rate of this industry.

Nguyen Hanh

Source: Congthuong.vn

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